Protect Devices Against Cyber Attacks

New Paper Gives Three Strategies to Protect Against Threats

On an episode of the Emmy award-winning show "Homeland," a group of terrorists hack the Vice President's pacemaker and trigger a lethal heart attack.

Although dramatic and fictional, the premise should resonate with medical device developers, as the mainstream media and the general public is now becoming more sensitive to cybersecurity issues in their products.

However, a new paper offers three strategies for medical device developers to protect their products from cyber attacks.

The paper is useful in helping protect developers possible threats. A recent survey at at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston showed 664 pieces of medical equipment are running on older Windows operating systems that are frequently infected with malware.

A recent survey at at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston showed 664 pieces of medical equipment are running on older Windows operating systems that are frequently infected with malware.

Click here to read the report.